Contact Us


Please contact us

Ennerdale Highlands researched and assessed cattle / highlands for three years prior to starting our fold, so we understand the importance of learning as much as possible before you make the big step to acquire your new Highland Cattle.  We know that you want to start your fold with a solid foundation of the best Highland Cattle genetics available.

It is easy to make mistakes in selecting cattle that are optimal for your needs, whether it is stud or beef cattle. At Ennerdale Highlands, we know the problems you can face as you establish your fold, we know because we have been there, and not ashamed to say we made some mistakes in starting our fold and establishing a breeding program.

However, we were also lucky in that we were able to access some of the best female genetics in Australia very early in our programme and these premium genetics set us off on the right path.

Over time, you will get your ‘eye in’ and realise what we are saying.  In the beginning unless you can get a bad highland next to a good one, it is very hard to see for yourself!

We are happy to help answer any questions you may have and we are happy to assist you as you set up your fold to produce the best.

Please email if you have specific topics to discuss.  If we do not know the answer, we are happy to source some information for you.

We have to confess, we do not know everything about highland cattle, sometimes problems are presented to us we have not come across before.  Nevertheless, if we are familiar with your request we are more than willing to share our knowledge.

We are often in the paddock during the day, so evenings are the best time to catch us by phone.  Otherwise, we respond to emails as soon as they are opened!

Clive, Kay & Tara Shepherd

"The Ennerdale Difference is Quality"

Please use the contact form below if you have any questions or requests, concerning highland cattle and we will be touch.